Mike Chilton (voiced by Reid Scott) is the leader of the Burners and the main protagonist of the series.Led by Kane's former cadet Mike Chilton ( Reid Scott), the Burners rise to stop Kane from conquering Detroit's last oasis of freedom-an underground refuge dubbed Motorcity.Ĭharacters Protagonists The Burners Ruling the citizens under strict laws, and banning personal freedoms including automobile transportation, Kane now faces one last obstacle: a group of hot-rod wielding rebels who call themselves the Burners.
It is owned by evil billionaire Abraham Kane ( Mark Hamill). This show occurs in a fictitious futuristic Detroit, which is an elevated metropolis built over the old Detroit, classified as Detroit Deluxe. On March 11, 2013, the series was cancelled after one season. The series ran from April 30, 2012, to January 7, 2013, on Disney XD. Motorcity is an American animated television series created by Chris Prynoski.